
Call to ACTION! - forward widely

For all those who know that “it is better to speak…”


Creating a World without Sexual Violence National Day of Truthtelling

April 28th, 2007 Durham, North Carolina

For all who ARE survivors of sexual violence… For all who choose to BELIEVE survivors of sexual violence… For all who KNOW WE CAN end rape culture…

…join us on April 28th, 2007, in Durham, North Carolina, as we come together—across divisions and disempowering silences—to create a world full of the safety, possibility, dignity, justice, and peace that we all deserve. Stand with us as we dare to imagine a world free from sexual violence and ALL forms of oppression.

Meet us in Durham to speak, teach, learn, demonstrate, and tell the truth. Together, WE can make this world a reality!!!

Questions? Contact us at dayoftruthtelling@gmail.com or check us out on My Space at www.myspace.com/ubuntunc

This event is being organized by: the North Carolina Coalition Against Sexual Assault, the North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Ubuntu, Men Against Rape Culture, SpiritHouse, Raleigh Fight Imperialism Stand Together, Southerners on New Ground, Independent Voices, Black Workers for Justice, and Freedom Road Socialist Organization/OSCL.

“What would happen in one woman told the truth about her life? The world would split open.” - From: "Kathe Kollwitz" by Muriel Rukeseyer


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